2022年2月4日 星期五

《約翰‧伯格的三重生命》(2021) A Writer of Our Time: The Life and Work of John Berger By Joshua Sperling, 2018。紀念 John Berger 2017 、John Berger 在博斯普鲁斯、 A story for Aesop 、圖像與文字之關係.....

書名:A Writer of Our Time: The Life and Work of John Berger,語言:英文,ISBN:9781786637437,頁數:304,作者:Sperling, Joshua,出版日期:2018/2020/04

A Writer of Our Time
The Life and Work of John Berger
by Joshua Sperling

The first intellectual biography of the life and work of John Berger

John Berger was one of the most influential thinkers and writers of postwar Europe. As a novelist, he won the Booker prize in 1972, donating half his prize money to the Black Panthers. As a TV presenter, he changed the way we looked at art with Ways of Seeing. As a storyteller and political activist, he defended the rights and dignity of workers, migrants, and the oppressed around the world. “Far from dragging politics into art,” he wrote in 1953, “art has dragged me into politics.” He remained a revolutionary up to his death in January 2017.

Built around a series of watersheds, at once personal and historical, A Writer of Our Time traces Berger’s development from his roots as a postwar art student and polemicist in the Cold War battles of 1950s London, through the heady days of the 1960s—when the revolutions were not only political but sexual and artistic—to Berger’s reinvention as a rural storyteller and the long hangover that followed the rise and fall of the New Left.

Drawing on first-hand, unpublished interviews and archival sources only recently made available, Joshua Sperling digs beneath the moments of controversy to reveal a figure of remarkable complexity and resilience. The portrait that emerges is of a cultural innovator as celebrated as he was often misunderstood, and a writer increasingly driven as much by what he loved as by what he opposed. A Writer of Our Time brings the many faces of John Berger together, repatriating one of our great minds to the intellectual dramas of his and our time.

本月要紀念John Berger。談他的力作FELLOW PRISONERS (約2011年)之後,以為準備就緒,沒想到又讀到一篇傑作 An Apple Orchard (An Open Letter to Raymond Barre, Mayor of Lyon)--光這篇,就值得去買{另類出口}譯作 (台北麥田),而我SLIDES已作成,還覺得只談了原篇交響曲般的文意中的一條線索而已!
現在的資訊發達,可以知道里昂市長(1996-2001) Raymond Barre是法國政壇奇人,他的計畫遷建約1848年建的監獄 (在隆河兩支流之間),至今也沒落實 (囚犯2009年都遷走了,兩座監獄 (Berger的傑作內有之間的通道,監獄外的人與內部親友之"呼"話......)的建物仍在)。Berger請教森林專家,建議栽種Spartan蘋果品種 (20世紀加拿大的科學選種),
果樹間相具距6米 (囚犯平均面積3米乘3米,遠比林文蔚 Ewam Lin 畫筆下的台灣鐵窗內朋友的,寬敞得多多.......)

2017年元月,John Berger過世,影響我很大,所以做幾片:


139 紀念 John Berger (鍾漢清) 2017-02-18
hc iTaiwan forum

453 views6 months ago
紀念John Berger (鍾漢清) 2017-02-18 1.奇人:John Berger 00-36min 2.John Berger :藝術文學36min-62min 3.

160 Istanbul (II):John Berger on Bosphorus 1979 【漢清講堂】 心得分享與討論會地址:台北市新生南路三段88號2樓1934年﹐土耳其 ...


180 A story for Aesop :John Berger 漢清講堂 2017-07-20
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維拉斯奎茲(Diego Velázquez)1599-1660),是文藝復興後期、巴洛克時代、西班牙黃金時代的一位畫家,對後來的畫家影響很大,哥雅 ...


153 補述B(許達然-John Berger....圖像與文字之關係)2017-04-21 鍾漢清

hc iTaiwan forum

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【漢清講堂】 2017.4.22 心得分享與討論會日期:2017年4月22日(周六),10:00~ 13:00 地址:台北市新生南路三段88號2樓電話:(02) ...


152 補述A(許達然-John Berger....圖像與文字之關係)2017-04-21 鍾漢清

hc iTaiwan forum

16 views4 months ago
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