2021年12月2日 星期四

胡適與日本禪學學者之交流 (2016);胡適之先生、鈴木大拙、入矢義高 ,〈日本的禪學研究和禪宗思想史的課題〉,正念禪修


胡適之先生、鈴木大拙、、入矢義高、  John Cage


漢清講堂129 胡適與日本禪學學者之交流 2016-12-17 鍾漢清

2016年5月2日 11:31 ·

小川 隆《禪思想史講義》用課堂上講課的形式和口氣略講中國的禪宗思想史,並介紹一些有關的日本禪宗思想。全書由四講而成。第1講:“北宗”與“南宗”――敦煌文獻與初期禪宗;第2講:馬祖禪與石頭禪――唐代禪的兩大潮流;第3講:由問答到公案,由公案到看話――宋代的禪宗;第4講:“無”與“近代”――鈴木大拙與20世紀的禪。

1953/5/30胡適日記 :Dr. Demarteno* 鈴木大拙與胡適邀 共午餐

鈴木大拙親自碾綠茶 煮了請我喝 這是中國古法
 (秦觀 月團新碾瀹花瓷
飲罷呼兒課楚詞 )

* 參考  Psychosomatic Medicine, 62, 613-622. Suzuki, D. R., Fromm, E., DeMarino, R. (1960) ..

胡適先生說(1960/2月/9): 鈴木大拙是我幾十年的老朋友。在研究禪宗, 搜集神會著作方面, 可以說是同志。
1960/2/5 修改新近寫好的為鈴木大拙九十歲紀念論文 (主要呼籲日本"大索"各寺廟留的佛教古代文書和典籍 ,因為那幾乎是許多中國佛教、禪宗、唐史的可能唯一線索。): An Appeal for a Systematic Search in Japan for Long-hidden T'ang Dynasty Source Materials of the Early History of Zen Buddahism

Where the Heart Beats: John Cage, Zen Buddhism, and the Inner Life ...


Jul 5, 2012 - From his early life in California, defined by his investigations into the joy of sound, to his pivotal introduction to Zen Buddhism in Japanese Zen scholar D. T. Suzuki's Columbia University class, to his blossoming into a force of the mid-century avant-garde, Larson traces Cage's own journey as an artist and a ...

D. T. Suzuki, John Cage, Fluxus | Catskill Merino Sheep Farm


Jun 21, 2012 - The members of Fluxus were alumni of John Cage's seminar in experimental composition at the New School, and subscribed to certain ideas emanating from Dr. Suzuki's seminars in Zen Buddhism at Columbia, both of which took place in the late 1950s. Zen ideas, as framed bySuzuki, had a vast ...

John Cage :: An Autobiographical Statement


John Cage: An Autobiographical Statement. What follows is ... It didn't seem like music to me so that when I left Mallorca I left it behind to lighten the weight of my baggage. In Sevilla on a .... I had the good fortune to attend Daisetz Suzuki's classes in the philosophy of Zen Buddhism at Columbia University in the late forties.

Music of Changes - John Cage Complete Works


This development, in part, came as a result of his encounter and informal studies with Gita Sarabhai (Indian philosophy) and attendance at the lectures of Daisetz TSuzuki (Zen Buddhism) in the late 1940s and into early 1950s. However, chance here only applies to the process of composition. The actual result, or ...


Image result for 良寬 書法
入矢義高訳注 『良寛詩集』 (講談社(数度刊行)。平凡社東洋文庫、2006年(平成18年))
柳田聖山訳注 『良寛道人遺稿』 (中公クラシックス:中央公論新社、2002年(平成14年))




梁國淦;新潮.鈴木.我 | Voicettank | 思想坦克
和「新潮」的再次邂逅要到大三了。在物理系遇上撞牆期的我,放下了系上課程,在文學院流浪。因為難得的機緣,我聽了一堂錢新祖教授短期來訪開設的中國思想史。 名為中國思想史,但似乎是因應學長的犀利要求,錢老師.....


